Technical Efficiency of the 4 x 100 meters relay from Ecuador

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Edgardo Romero Frómeta
Dennis Fabricio Caiza Caiza
Cristhian Javier Columba Fernández


The relays are the only Athletics event that is carried out as a team, made up of four enners who must cover the distance of 400 meters in the shortest time possible. The further the competitive relay time is from the sum of the runners' four individual times in 100 m, the greater the technical efficiency of the relay. In Ecuador there are no scales that allow regulating the level of this technical efficiency in adult runners. Data from other countries have been used. This descriptive and documentary research allows us to determine the technical efficiency of the 4 x 100 m relay for both sexes in the country, using the corresponding scales by sex, in the adult age group. In the period 2016-2019, all the results of the 12 best Ecuadorian 4 x 100 m relay teams were obtained, both for women and men, processing the 24 best relays in the country. By calculating the sample results, using the measurement interval and percentiles, the scales that regulate technical efficiency are determined, from Excellent to Poor.


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How to Cite
Romero FrómetaE., Caiza CaizaD. F., & Columba FernándezC. J. (2024). Technical Efficiency of the 4 x 100 meters relay from Ecuador . Acción, 20(s/n). Retrieved from
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