Contribución al perfeccionamiento institucional y jurídico del Sistema Deportivo Cubano

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Karel Luis Pachot Zambrana
Raúl Fornés Valenciano
Rolando Pavó Acosta
Ciro Félix Rodríguez Sánchez
Nilda Haydee Rizo Perez


This research was proposed as a objective to contribute to the institutional and legal improvement of the Cuban Sports System by providing the theoretical and methodological assumptions provided by sports law in a way that satisfies the current demands of the international and national scenarios, particularly the latter in the context of updating the Cuban Economic and Social Model of Socialist Development. The general methods of social scientific research were used, as well as the particular methods of legal research. The main results obtained include: a) systematization of the theoretical and legal assumptions that should order the Cuban sports system; b) diagnosis of the main shortcomings that affect the national sports system from an institutional and legal point of view; c) contribution of the general legal bases for the elaboration and improvement of the Cuban sports system, entrusted to Inder as part of the process of implementation of Guidelines 134 and 135 of the Economic and Social Policy of the Party and the Revolution (2017 -2021); and, d) contribution of the general bases for a Sports Law or the Cuban Sports System (foreseen in the legislative schedule of the ANPP for the legislative period (2023-2028). 

Sports System (foreseen in the legislative schedule of the ANPP for the legislative period 2023-2028).


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How to Cite
Pachot Zambrana K. L., Fornés ValencianoR., Pavó AcostaR., Rodríguez SánchezC. F., & Rizo Perez N. H. (2024). Contribución al perfeccionamiento institucional y jurídico del Sistema Deportivo Cubano. Acción, 19(No.1). Retrieved from
Artículos Originales


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