The Metacognition, tool for the apprenticeship of the Statistics in the Physical Culture

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Taimi Castañeda-Rodríguez
Idania Olivera-Aguilar
Ana María Fernández-Gómez
María Cristina Capote-Márquez


In the process of training of professional physical culture is very importance the use of the metacognitivas strategies for enhancing the self of knowledge during the process assimilation of the statistics. Is necessary the use ofthe virtual platforms as tools to facilitators in this process acquisition of knowledge. As objective of this study is proposed to design a system of actions that contribute to the use of metacognitivas strategies for the application of statistic tools in the training of professional of the physics culture. During the study is applied various methods of order theoretical, empirical and statistical, that made possible assess of satisfactory the results obtained with the implementation of the proposal.


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Castañeda-RodríguezT., Olivera-AguilarI., Fernández-GómezA. M., & Capote-MárquezM. C. (1). The Metacognition, tool for the apprenticeship of the Statistics in the Physical Culture. Acción, 14(s/n). Retrieved from
Artículos Originales


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