Didactic organization of the Comprehensive Combat Sports Preparation Program

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Armando Quintana Parra
Alfredo Quintana Díaz


There is an evident need to organize the Kick Boxing sports preparation process in Cuba didactically, to resolve the contradiction between the increase in the demands of the athlete's preparation process, its inclusion in the Olympic program and the insufficient specialized professional preparation on the part of the athlete. of the coaches. This research aims to characterize the current state of the didactic organization of the components of the sports preparation process of combat sports in Cuba. The research was conceived of a qualitative type, with a diagnostic character. The results showed that the Comprehensive Athlete Preparation Programs have not had adequate attention as a guiding document for long-term preparation, presenting insufficiencies in the didactic organization of their content, which compromises their functionality.


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How to Cite
Quintana ParraA., & Quintana DíazA. (2023). Didactic organization of the Comprehensive Combat Sports Preparation Program. Acción, 19(s/n). Retrieved from https://accion.uccfd.cu/index.php/accion/article/view/258
Artículos Originales


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