Cubalon a sport option – recreation for university games

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Yoel Quincosa Hernández
Juan Marcelo LLanes Pérez
Nelson García Morales


The need for new recreational options calls for alternatives to contribute to the professional development of the university student. The objective of the article is to describe the potential of Cubalón's game as a sports-recreational option in the university community. An exploratory-prospective investigation is carried out, with empirical methods such as bibliographic review, structured observation and theoretical methods such as analysis and synthesis. Its inclusion in the Cimarrones Games and the celebration of the First National Tournament, between Physical Culture faculties in 2012. As a conclusion, there is an urgent need to organize a strategy that allows the development of this sport in the Cuban university environment.


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How to Cite
Quincosa HernándezY., LLanes Pérez J. M., & García Morales N. (2021). Cubalon a sport option – recreation for university games. Acción, 17(Especial). Retrieved from
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