A new dimension in the textbook Foundations of the sport training, of Matveev

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Lázaro de la Paz Arencibia


Since the 90´s of the last century, a period of critics had been increased towards the theory of sports training, being systematized by its main expositor, the professor of the Sciences Academy and Physical Culture of Russia, Lev Pavlovich Matveev. The present article, has as objective to show, partially, important omissions and alterations that it presents the translated work and published in Spanish language by the editorial Ráduga (Matveev, 1983), what has contributed to an incomplete and superficial understanding of the dimension, depth and scientific rigor of the content treaty in the original work in Russian language, published by the editorial Physical Culture and Sport (Matveev, 1977). With the use of the method content analysis, it is contrasted the two works and the incongruities and lacks of scientific foundations of the theory of the sport training are shown for the readers of Hispanic speech, what has propitiated, distorted interpretations, incomplete and superficial, until considering new discoveries and contributions that could be complementation reached by means of the use and introduction of new technologies applied in the sport.


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de la Paz ArencibiaL. (2021). A new dimension in the textbook Foundations of the sport training, of Matveev. Acción, 17(s/n). Retrieved from https://accion.uccfd.cu/index.php/accion/article/view/162
Artículos Originales


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