Orientation pace for schoolchilds with mental retardation

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Reymer Sánchez-Alberich
Nordis Sánchez-Quintero


The physical recreational activities constitute a favorable stage for better the corrective compensatory process in the persons with a disability. The work aims at elaborating methodological stocks for participation of school childs with mental retardation in the orientation pace from nowadays requirements of Special Education. Represent a version enriched of the work presented in the provincial event University 2018. An initial diagnosis evidenced the heterogeneity of these pupils in its disability, its insufficiencies in the development of the space orientation and the potentialities for its motor development. An experimental study of qualitative level to attend to the purpose of study came true, with the application of methods of theoretic, empiric and mathematical level. Between the main results was established theoretical-methodological and practice action, held in theories of special education and recreational activities. The proposal accepted by specialists corroborates that practice systematically of physical-recreational activities aid the biological, psychological and social equilibrium that the schoolchild with mental retardation demands to develop the way of living. It is recognized the initial validation of a methodology to take effect from a doctoral investigation.


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How to Cite
Sánchez-AlberichR., & Sánchez-QuinteroN. (1). Orientation pace for schoolchilds with mental retardation. Acción, 14(s/n). Retrieved from https://accion.uccfd.cu/index.php/accion/article/view/16
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