EcuadorianInterdisciplinaryPhysicalEducation in thecontextof thecovid-19

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Richar Jacobo Posso Pacheco
Laura Cristina Barba Miranda
Josué Celso Marcillo Ñacato
Stalin Javier Beltrán Vásque


The Ecuadorian educational policy in the face of the healthemergency caused by covid-19, proposed the prioritization of content in all curriculabyareas and the application of project-basedlearning as a methodological alternative forremote education. The purpose of this research is to offer a proposal for the design of a Physical Education learning objective oriented to interdisciplinary built from the evaluation criteria of the disciplinary areas. Them et hod used was the phenomenological-hermeneutic one, two techniques were applied: the bibliographic review of documents and scientific articles from the platforms of the Ministry of Education of Ecuador and the Academic Google, with which the proposal could be partially founded; and the interview with 15 Physical Education teachers from various educational institutions in the city of Quito, whose instrument was validated by the judgment of seven experts, this information complements the justification of the proposal. The proposal to develop the projects based on the evaluation criteria of the disciplinary areas, combined in the interdisciplinary, will serve the teachers as an input for proposing interdisciplinary micro curricular learning objectives, leaving in view of the problems to be solved for each grade, established in the Emergency Prioritized Curriculum, all with the vision of directing students towards autonomy o learning.


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How to Cite
Posso PachecoR. J., Barba MirandaL. C., Marcillo ÑacatoJ. C., & Beltrán VásqueS. J. (2021). EcuadorianInterdisciplinaryPhysicalEducation in thecontextof thecovid-19. Acción, 17(s/n). Retrieved from
Artículos Originales


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