Pre-sports games to favour the group work in the kind of Physical Education

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Keliana Bertha Guibert Hechavarría
Omar Delis Prades
Marcelina Consuegra Pino


There isn't any methodological instruction for the Physical Education Program related with team work using pre-sport games as a kind of lesson in order to develop interpersonal relationships  for the integral student's formation. The researchers'aim was to choose pre-sports games to improve team work in the Physical Education lesson.  Based of the results of the diagnosis, there is a proposal of pre-sports games to favours the team work in the lesson for fifth grade student of the Leonte Guerra Castellanos school of the municipality Mayarí, Holguín. Differents scientific methods were used such as: historic- logician, analytical-synthetic, observation, interview, documental review. The implementation of the pre-sports games provided the increment of the group actions like a form to motivate the students, in order to achieve the significant learning and the enrichment of the program of Physical Education in the second cycle.


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How to Cite
Guibert HechavarríaK. B., Delis PradesO., & Consuegra Pino M. (2021). Pre-sports games to favour the group work in the kind of Physical Education. Acción, 17(s/n). Retrieved from
Artículos Originales


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