Karate in Cimarrones Games

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Omar Martínez Pérez


The dispersion of data and the almost zero research on sports karate in the Cimarrones Games are presented as challenges when writing its history in these university matches. The aim of this paper is to offer initial information that allows the construction of the history and evolution of karate in the Cimarrones Games. A design non experimental descriptive transectional was used and the managed methods were: the historical-logical, the inductive-deductive, the analytic-synthetic, the documental revision and the not standardized interview. It was possible to establish the date of entry of karate to the Cimarrones Games, the editions in which it has participated and a description of the form of competition and concludes with a strategy to continue this investigation.


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Martínez Pérez O. (2021). Karate in Cimarrones Games. Acción, 17(Especial). Retrieved from https://accion.uccfd.cu/index.php/accion/article/view/145
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