The physical activity in the control of the Metabolic Syndrome as factor of risk of the COVID-19

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Cristina Carrera Valdés
Carlos Manuel Fuentes Martínez
Gladys Calderín Milán


The authors' intention is to meditate about the importance of the physical activity in the control of the metabolic syndrome or the call for some authors, illness of the civilization, which is a factor of risk in the worsening symptoms for people who contract the covid-19. To know this kind of risk factors facilitates to develop strategies to intervene them. The obtained results evidence that the realization of these systematic physical activities diminishes the manifestation of the sufferings associated to the metabolic syndrome that in turn impacts in the torpid behavior of the sick patients of the covid-19.


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How to Cite
Carrera ValdésC., Fuentes MartínezC. M., & Calderín MilánG. (2020). The physical activity in the control of the Metabolic Syndrome as factor of risk of the COVID-19. Acción, 16(s/n). Retrieved from
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