Characterization of centers execution in school soccer players

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Jorge Abundio González Pascual
Odalys Chou Rivero
Gualberto Kiusler Barro López


In the technical-tactic preparation of the footballers it is necessary to emphasize the execution of the centers, since this is a way to achieve the action of shooting by goal, the goal, problematic that is deal with in this work. Findings in the search process point to the need to characterize the execution of the centers in male footballers to facilitate technical-tactical action during competitive activity. The theoretical level methods such as analytical-synthetic and structural-functional systemic have been used to develop the research. Empirical level: survey, scientific observation, measurement. Various techniques are elected from the statistical-mathematics level, both descriptive and inferential statistics. All this allowed us to obtain the total number of centers that the team studied performed and their average by matches. It also allows an analysis of the actions derived from the centers.


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How to Cite
González PascualJ. A., Chou RiveroO., & Barro LópezG. K. (2020). Characterization of centers execution in school soccer players. Acción, 16(s/n). Retrieved from
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