Plan of actions to contribute to the environmental Education from the contents of Language Discipline

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Fernando Emilio Valladares-Fuente
Luis Alberto Cuesta-Martínez


This work is aimed at contributing to the environmental education from the teaching of languages at the faculty of Physical culture ¨Nancy Uranga Romagoza¨ in the University of Pinar del Rio. A diagnosis showed the insufficient knowledge about the environmental education in students and professors of this center of higher education. This limitation increases irresponsible attitudes in individuals who take part in this research. This diagnosis developed through research empirical and theoretical methods determined the potentials of the contents of the Languages discipline to develop the environmental education. It was revealed the insufficient methodological treatment and the reduced vision of the environmental education of professors and students. Into the mission of the degree course of Physical Culture it is demanded a graduate with environmental education at the level of the Century XXI. That’s why the authors of this research decide to elaborate a plan of actions on a set of activities to foster this educational process from the English teaching syllabus. The impact of this plan of actions contributed positively to the academic results of students and their motivation to studies and in general to their integrated formation.


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Valladares-FuenteF. E., & Cuesta-MartínezL. A. (1). Plan of actions to contribute to the environmental Education from the contents of Language Discipline. Acción, 14(s/n). Retrieved from
Artículos Originales


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