Exercises for the improvement of working tactical-technician of elite’s futbol's players

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Ernesto David Cárdenas Expósito
Luis René Quetglas González
Pablo Elier Sánchez Salgado


The training of the tactics contributes to achieve important qualities for the practice of the soccer and it plays a fundamental paper in the results of the high yield. To conquer this objective is not easy task, to get it the trainer he/she should make a good characterization of their athletes. For it was aided it from an observation to a team of soccer of first category. As preliminary results he/she was proven that the training of the tactical technical elements is always carried out with the same sequence of exercises, very few governed by a scientific foundation, scarce exercises are used based on real situations of game to contribute to the good acting of the players, according to different bibliographical searches, you could determine that the teaching and later training of the tactical technical elements from early ages, they take the sport world to indefinite achievements. This motivated to propose a methodological alternative sustained in the offensive principles of the soccer game for the selection of first category of Pinegrove of the River that allows us the improvement of working tactical offensive in the players. They used scientific methods of the theoretical level, among them: historical-logical, analysis-synthesis, Inductive-deductive; of the empiric level it was used: the interview, the observation, the revision of documents and the mensuration.


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How to Cite
Cárdenas ExpósitoE. D., Quetglas GonzálezL. R., & Sánchez SalgadoP. E. (2020). Exercises for the improvement of working tactical-technician of elite’s futbol’s players. Acción, 16(s/n). Retrieved from https://accion.uccfd.cu/index.php/accion/article/view/125
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