Characterization of the temperament of the athletes of the Cuban National Badminton Team

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Rodney Daniel Ayala Rodríguez
Magaly E. Fuentes Parra


High competition sport demands a high involvement of science applied to sport, not only in direction and planning of the athletes' preparation process, but also in the psychological control of sports training. The influence of the psychological state of the athlete is multifactorial, the professional of psychology associated with the sport and the coach must possess the knowledge required for the control and regulation of said state; This forces them to know the personality of each athlete, their needs, interests and motivations, among other aspects. One of the most important components of the personality is temperament, since it directly mediates the dynamics of psychic activity, a decisive factor in the execution of technical-tactical actions. The research was aimed at characterizing the temperament of the 10 athletes that make up the Cuban National Badminton Team. A descriptive-cross-sectional study with a field design is assumed. The Blood-Phlegmatic combination makes up the temperamental mixture that is obtained as a group trend. The properties of the nervous system that are most present are balance, strength and lability, while resistance, fast psychic rhythm, plasticity and extroversion are the psychodynamic properties that are best represented in the team.


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How to Cite
Ayala RodríguezR. D., & Fuentes ParraM. E. (2020). Characterization of the temperament of the athletes of the Cuban National Badminton Team. Acción, 16(s/n). Retrieved from
Artículos Originales


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