Therapeutic exercise to improve the dynamic balance in a patient cerebral palsy. A case study

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María Isabel Torres Pérez
Alexander Savigñón Leal


Cerebral palsy is a neurological disorder that appears in childhood or early childhood, permanently affects the movement of the body and the coordination of muscles, does not evolve over time. This study is continuity of that carried out by Lic. Alexander Savigñón Leal is this own school for the same pupil. The objective of the study focuses on the need to develop a battery of therapeutic physical exercises to improve the dynamic balance in a pupil with spastic cerebral palsy in the special school "Solidarity with Panama", Boyeros Municipality, in Havana. Various methods were used to know the background of the object of study, as well as the analysis and qualitative and quantitative evaluation of pupil progress, reaching the conclusion of the need to apply therapeutic physical exercises to improve dynamic balance and independent gait, what facilitated a better performance in the realization of the activities of the daily life of the school.


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How to Cite
Torres Pérez M. I., & Savigñón LealA. (2020). Therapeutic exercise to improve the dynamic balance in a patient cerebral palsy. A case study. Acción, 16(s/n). Retrieved from
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