The use of the technology for the formative evaluation in the career of Physical Culture

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Maribel Mola Cantero
Dámaris Gastón González


The formative evaluation is one of the activities of more relevance in the educational university contexts in the national and international environment. This topic hasn't been researched enough at the University of Sciences of the Physical Culture and Sport "Manuel Fajardo" and it constitutes an emergent task to improve the processes noun there. This article is based on a research which aim was to make a proposal of instruments for the formative evaluation in the discipline Theory and Practice of the Physical Education from the platform Moodle. The analyses of papers and interviews have shown the traditional character and evaluative practice of Physical Education field. The results demonstrated the traditional character from the practical evaluative when expressing, inadequacies in the scientific-methodological preparation for using technologies that doesn't allow a formative educational practice according to the Cuban educational system. The proposal of instruments for the formative evaluation with the use of the technologies, constituted a suitable road for the theoretical and methodological back of the process evaluative of the discipline Theory and Practice of the Physical Education.


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How to Cite
Mola CanteroM., & Gastón GonzálezD. (1). The use of the technology for the formative evaluation in the career of Physical Culture. Acción, 16(s/n). Retrieved from
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