Exercises for balance and gait in patients with traumatic brain injury

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Taimi Martín Ramos
Alexander Echemendía del Valle
Ismaris Núñez Hernández
Armando Sentmanat Belisón


Among all neurological emergencies, traumatic brain injuries occupy the first place in morbidity and mortality. The early application of intensive rehabilitation can lead to high levels of recovery. The therapeutic environment is also another factor to consider, including the home and social environment. An adequate neurorestorative treatment leads to less time of hospitalization, reducing expenses and improving the quality of life of the patient. Among the various problems that can occur in patients with cranioencephalic trauma, the changes in gait and balance that, in many cases, are not adequately addressed, are highlighted. For this reason, the objective of the research is to analyze the incidence of an exercise program for gait and balance, the sample selected was 5 patients aged within 19 to 53 years old with moderate mild cranioencephalic trauma and theoretical, empirical and statistical methods such as descriptive and statistical statistics were used to complete it. Inferential to determine the changes obtained after the analysis statistically significant changes in the gait and balance of patients which leads us to conclude that the exercise program applied positively influences the progress and balance of patients with head trauma.


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Martín RamosT., Echemendía del ValleA., Núñez HernándezI., & Sentmanat BelisónA. (1). Exercises for balance and gait in patients with traumatic brain injury. Acción, 16(s/n). Retrieved from https://accion.uccfd.cu/index.php/accion/article/view/102
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