Methodological procedure to determine the competitive performance dynamic of the Cuban track and field jumpers

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Rolando Palacios Pulgarón


This article is based on a research work which main objective is to elaborate a methodological procedure to analyze the behavior and the jumpers' results during the first Macrocycle of the school year 2017- 2018. Consequently, the efficiency of the competitive performance dynamic of the National Team was determined; The sample is composed by 30 athletes. There were used different theoretical methods such as: analytic- synthetic, and inductive-deductive. The empiric ones: the interview and the analysis of the documents. This study contributes to classify the conpetitive performance curve of the National team jumpers during the first Macrocicle of the school year 2017- 2018, according to the following tendencies: descending, upward field; upward, variable and of peak.


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Palacios PulgarónR. (1). Methodological procedure to determine the competitive performance dynamic of the Cuban track and field jumpers. Acción, 16(s/n). Retrieved from
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