Group of ball exercises to better the Cuban gymnasts` body language

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Pura Concepción Ponce-Villaverde


The regulations periodic changes in the current Rhythmical Gymnastics impose high challenges in the order of the corporal work and skillful action in the handling of the appliance during each execution of competitive exercises. This work aims at designing a group of exercises to better the body language and the rhythmical execution during the Cubans gymnasts’ presentations that enhance artistically the technical, psychological and Physical performance. In order to attend the study purpose it was carried out a bibliographic and field investigation to determine Cubans gymnasts’ artistic and rhythmical understanding level of the exercise with balls. It was achieved a documentary revision of the preparation plans within the study, as well as the observation to trainings and competitions videos of different levels of requirement for its later evaluation. The influence of the set of exercises that come from the folk and modern dancing offered the gymnasts a most expressive language improving the fluidity of motions with a most natural character and integrating. The dances, poses and selected steps improved the artistic performance in Cubans athletes’ behaviors within individual and collective mode.


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Ponce-VillaverdeP. C. (1). Group of ball exercises to better the Cuban gymnasts` body language. Acción, 14(s/n). Retrieved from
Artículos Originales


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